AOSB Newsletters

Autumn 2021 in Brooklyn: AOSB Happenings

Autumn 2021 in Brooklyn: AOSB Happenings

In the Dojo Volume 3 Issue 8


This month, we’re very excited to announce our plans for autumn 2021. In addition to a full class schedule for active students, free weekly trial classes for prospective students, and a new soto deshi program, we also have some exciting instructor updates, promotions, and…wait for it…our 10-year anniversary.


Starting September 1, 2021, we’ll be offering classes 5 days per week, with the possibility to expand with weekday morning and/or weekend classes depending on demand and instructor availability. Given current circumstances, we’re continuing to offer a weekly virtual class for our youth/teen students, and private instruction remains on offer for all active dojo members. Check out the complete class schedule here!


This autumn, Stephanie Flores Sensei, a fourth-degree black and our most senior student, will be regularly teaching Monday night adult classes. If you haven’t yet trained with Flores Sensei, be sure to check out this insightful interview she granted In the Dojo several months ago, and then go to class.


Testing and promotions are a regular and important part of our practice, and we’d like to take a moment to congratulate several students on their August promotions:

  • Ava S, youth 12.5 kyu (yellow belt with black stripe)

  • Henry P, youth 4.5 (purple belt)

  • Sofi T, adult 7 kyu (white belt with stripe)

  • Balint V, adult 7 kyu (white belt with stripe)

  • Anna G, adult 4 kyu (blue belt)

Next month, Greg Squared will be testing in Chicago for third-degree black belt. Be sure to help him prepare by coming to class and wishing him luck!

Soto Deshi program

A soto deshi is an aikido student who undertakes an intensive training regimen and makes the needs of the dojo and their sensei their own. Training and the dojo become a deshi’s top priority. Soto deshi have the opportunity to train and study closely with their sensei and to learn the inner workings of the art and the dojo. In some respects, it is like an internship, but with the benefits that come with intensive, deep study.

Find out more and apply here! The application deadline is September 23, 2021.

Autumn 2021 in Brooklyn: AOSB Happenings